Piwnica & Molinié

Piwnica & Molinié is a law firm before the Conseil d’Etat (Council of State) and the Cour de Cassation and has been a member of the Bar Association at the Conseil d’Etat and the Cour the Cassation since 1984.

It advises, represents and assists its clients (including legal aid) in appeals before the Conseil d’Etat and the Cour de Cassation, the supreme jurisdictions of the administrative and judicial legal orders.

A specialist in the technique of judgment reversal, it contributes to the legality control exercised by the cassation judges on the decisions submitted to them.


Piwnica & Molinié also acts before:

  • The Conseil d’Etat and the administrative formations, in the form of written contributions during the examination of bills, decrees, etc.;
  • The Conseil Constitutionnel (Constitutional Council) concerning priority preliminary ruling on constitutionality, electoral disputes and written contributions during the a priori control (preliminary texts submitted to the Conseil Constitutionnel);
  • The Court of Justice of the European Union, in particular with regard to references for preliminary rulings on the interpretation of Union law;
  • The European Court of Human Rights;

  • The Court of Auditors, the Budgetary and Financial Discipline Court and the financial courts;
  • All administrative jurisdictions, including administrative courts and tribunals, administrative courts of appeal and disciplinary courts;
  • The independent administrative authorities, in particular the Competition Authority and the Higher Council for the Audio-visual Sector (sanctioning procedure, granting of approval, dispute settlement, etc.), the Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority, etc.

The Firm

A multidisciplinary firm, Piwnica & Molinié advises:

Public entities

The State, overseas countries, regions, departments, municipalities, national and local public establishments, inter-municipal bodies, independent administrative authorities, etc.

Private individuals

Companies, federations and groupings of companies, trade unions, associations, individuals, etc.

Piwnica & Molinié is active in most areas of law:

  • Fundamental rights
  • Constitutional law
  • European law
  • Administrative law
  • Public procurement
  • Urban planning
  • Civi Service

  • Tax law
  • Electoral law
  • Criminal law
  • Customs law
  • Civil law
  • Social law
  • Commercial law

  • International law
  • Regulation of economic activities (audio-visual, competition, mergers and monopolies, energy, transport, telecommunications, etc.)


And within the framework of emergency proceedings before administrative judges (summary petition for suspension, summary petition for release, pre-contractual summary proceedings, summary useful measures, etc.)

Our Expertise

Piwnica & Molinié has recognised expertise in:

  • Informing its clients precisely about the chances of success of the envisaged appeals, in particular before the Conseil d’Etat and the Cour de Cassation, and dissuading them from acting when these appeals have too remote a chance of success,
  • Being attentive to the concerns of its clients and their counsel,
  • Providing legal opinions on new and/or sensitive legal issues,
  • Participating in the implementation of legal strategies, particularly in out-of-court proceedings,

  • Offering assistance in the drafting of submissions before all French and European courts, in particular with a view to a possible future appeal to the Supreme Court in a sensitive case or following a reversal ruling by the supreme courts,
  • Considering the problems to be solved from a fundamental rights perspective where relevant,
  • Advising clients on communication in the context of legal proceedings.


Conseil d'Etat

Our methodology

Each request gives rise to a complete study of the file by competent lawyers assisted by a reactive administrative team.

The finalization of the procedural documents and the procedural choices are performed in consultation with our clients and their lawyers.

The firm provides full support and monitoring at every stage of the procedures entrusted to it. The partners, associates and the firm’s administrative team are always available to advise on the various questions and difficulties relating to the cases entrusted to them, if needed in extreme urgency.

When necessary, the firm thoroughly prepares its clients for hearings, particularly before the administrative summary proceedings judge or during investigations before the Conseil d’Etat.


Cour de Cassation

The Partners

  • Emmanuel Piwnica

    Emmanuel Piwnica

    Emmanuel Piwnica is a graduate of the University of Paris I and of the Paris Institute of Political Studies. He is a barrister at the Conseil d’Etat and the Cour de cassation, after […]

  • Jacques Molinié

    Jacques Molinié

    Jacques Molinié is a higher studies graduate of the University of Paris II in public and private law, and a graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies. He holds a doctorate in […]

  • François Molinié

    François Molinié

    A graduate of the University of Paris 2 (M.Phil in public economic law, Masters in public and private law), François Molinié is a barrister at the Conseil d’Etat and the Cour de cassation. […]

  • Marie Molinié–Ozenfant

    Marie Molinié–Ozenfant

    Marie Molinié–Ozenfant holds an M.Phil in general private law from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. After obtaining the Professional Lawyer’s Certificate, she practiced law at the Paris Bar in a business law […]

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